Stephanie Miller

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_3″ last=”no”]StephanieMiller

[fusion_progress percentage=”90″]XC[/fusion_progress][fusion_progress percentage=”75″]Endurance[/fusion_progress][fusion_progress percentage=”85″]Technical Skills[/fusion_progress]
[fusion_progress percentage=”65″]Climbing[/fusion_progress][fusion_progress percentage=”10″]Crashing[/fusion_progress]

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Expert (CAT1) Mountain Biker

  • 2016 Racing Age: 33 y.o.
  • Height: 5′ 6″
  • Racing Since: 2009
  • Hometown: New York, NY
  • Current Town: Ashburn, VA
  • Bike(s): FSR- 29er Trek SuperFly, Specialized Ruby Elite, HardTail 29er GRAMMO
  • Favorite Trail: California : Rocky Road, Annadale- Santa Rosa, VA: Fountain Head
  • Favorite Foods: Avocado, Tuna, Blueberries, Quinoa, Eggs, Spinach, Eggplant….Anything FRESH!

Ever since I was a child, I still remember my FAVORITE Christmas gift I EVER got when I was 8 years old.  A BIG GIRLS BIKE!!!  Needless to say, it was funny Christmas day to see the ONLY Child on Christmas Morning, bundled up and trying to ride her NEW BIKE in Ice and Snow.  I knew then that things will NEVER be the same again.

Later on, my obsession increased to me watching the Mail Carriers in New York City racing around in the swiftness and finesse of cycling in and out of traffic….like a rouge version of Ballet.

Then, things got serious once married….because I married a person who had the same obsession of OUTSIDE and EXPLORE…the rest is HISTORY….or FUTURE.

[fusion_title size=”2″]2016 XC Results[/fusion_title]

  • 1st Place – Leesburg Bakers Dozen 13hour Team Relay w/ David 2-person Co-ed
  • The Pioneer – (7-day stage race – 500kms) in New Zealand
  • 2nd Place – Rev3 Spring Thaw – CAT1

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